Cosmetic Acupuncture
Cosmetic Acupuncture also known as Acu-Facial is non-surgical cosmetic procedure. This a natural and comprehensive approach is designed to restore, rejuvenate and relax tired skin cells. Drawn from the ancient texts of Chinese medicine, the Mei Zen cosmetic acupuncture is relatively painless, natural technique. Small, less than hair-width acupuncture needles are placed in a precise configuration just under the skin’s surface to stimulate the production of collagen and elastin. It is an excellent natural alternative to a cosmetic surgery face lift and botox treatments. The results of cosmetic acupuncture anti-aging treatments reflect not only a change in external appearance, but also an improvement in total body wellness. More radiant, beautiful looking skin.
Clients can expect disappearance of fine lines, smoothing of deep lines, fading of age spots, More toned facial muscles, Enhanced overall appearance and health. Allows healthy “breathing” of the skin, increasing the skin’s protective ability to ward off infections and clogged pores.
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